Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Aer Lingus

Unfortunlately (or maybe fortunately) for you... my next bunch o' blogs will be all about my trip!  So bear with me, lads!

I am sitting on the floor of my room exhausted from work last night... (I've been up since 530pm yesterday)... and going over my packing list again and again. I know there are things I am forgetting! But what?! I even googled packing lists to see what other people think the necessities are. Yes I am a dork.  My exhaustion delirium is clouding my brain and I cannot think straight.  Socks? Check. Power converter? Check. Passport? Check.

I know this trip will be ah-mazing, I am just worried about getting to my hotel.  I can do the O'Hare airport madness, I have done it bunches and bunches of times, not worried about that.  I am anxious about getting off my Aer Lingus plane and managing to find a place to swap cash, hail a cabbie, understand what he is saying to me in his Irish Accent, and managing to explain to him where my hotel is... I can't even pronounce the street name.... Exchequer Street??!  Once I get into my hotel and have my bags settled I will feel very relieved.  I will be landing at 8am. First thing on my list... a coffee shop :)

I'll update you when I land! Wish me luck (o' the Irish... da ha!)

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